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Educational Technology at Caltech  /  Advice & Guidance  /  Accessibility and Inclusion

Accessibility and Inclusion Online

As announced on March 18, 2022, the Institute will return fully to in-person instruction by Monday, April 4, 2022. Resources for remote and online teaching are provided on this site if Caltech must shift to remote instruction in the future.

Outside of special emergency permissions granted during the pandemic, Caltech's accreditation is limited to in-person instruction.

Creating a welcoming classroom environment and making course materials accessible to all of your students are particularly important in an online environment. Please find some strategies and resources below to create an inclusive and accessible online classroom.

Conversations on Inclusive Teaching:

In addition, you are welcome to tune into this short series supporting Caltech faculty and instructors to implement and enhance inclusive and equitable practices in their teaching. Each conversation offers a short overview of a few key inclusive teaching topics or practices, with a brief overview of evidence and examples of use, and then prompts participants to adapt and apply them in Caltech classes.